HCL SafeLinx Administrator - Display Issues
Detlev Poettgen September 6 2021 01:16:41 PM
If you are using the HCL SafeLinx Administrator client on Windows, you may be will see some display issues.Here is an example:
Selection lists are not displayed correctly and option selection is not possible.
The reason for this is easy to find and to solve:
SafeLInx Administrator running on Windows requires a Java Open JDK version 8!
Like mentioned in the documentation: https://help.hcltechsw.com/safelinx/1.2/adminguide/installing_the_gatekeeper.html
If a newer version like Java OpenJDK v16 is installed, you are hit by the issue.
So install JDK v8 and it will be fixed.
Download URL of the JDK v8:
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